Monday, 12 May 2014

Brief introduction to Condo Owner Association

With a view to have a common set of Condo owner rights in Ontario, Canada, they established the Condo Owner Association. This association contains the condo owners who are responsible to forward suggestions and take decisions keeping everyone’s preferences in mind. They are all a part of the condominium corporation that is responsible to part take in the elections held for the Board of Directors. A number of developers offering condos for sale in Ontario introduce their set of rules and regulations set for a Condo Owner Association to follow.

The association is formed in order to discuss the main issues regarding the condominium. There are 5 different kinds of condo corporations that are developed to discuss issues such as common ownership of land; building or both are also considered. A condo association keeps a watch on the accountability, governance and transparency of Bard of Directors, Owners, Lawyers and the Project Managers. This Association also looks into matters such as whether the points mentioned in a Condo Act are followed and also whether the further plans are taken abiding to these points.

Each Condominium Corporation or a Condo Owner Association has a different goal depending on the requirement and the ways of operation. New condos for sale in Ontario are offered with the freedom for the unit owners to make up their own association within which they could discuss common issues of the entire building or a part of it. These associations are formed for the betterment of each one living there. It is a way of coming forward and sharing each ones concerns and collectively bringing up a solution for the same. Being a part of such an association would not let anyone feel left out and in fact encourage them to be a part of a united community.

Thus, a condo owner association is nothing but a group of condo owners who would wish to be together, have regular meetings and also be a part of the important discussions where decisions regarding to the working and operation of the condominium are taken.